I have occasionally let anger blind me and have let myself become confused about the facts of a case, so I will not be too hard on a critic by posting his intemperate and inaccurate criticism (he should watch his language)


He claims that I called a leader of the Sancta Muerte cult a “Catholic Bishop.”


If he had read the post carefully, he would have noticed that it was not I but the usual confused newspaper reports who called him that, and I corrected the reports


The newspaper said:


“We are being persecuted,” said Catholic Bishop David Romo, who has become the black sheep of Mexico’s Catholic church for leading services to the bejeweled, scythe-wielding Santa Muerte, or Saint Death, in the rough Mexico City neighborhood of Tepito.


I corrected the newspaper by pointing out:


“However Romo, despite inaccurate news reports, is not a Catholic, but rather a self-styled bishop of a traditionalist church, whose traditionalism seems to include pagan worship.”


However, it is nice to know that someone is reading even older posts.


The Sancta Muerte cult needs close watching. Mexico I suspect has a death rate from violence in the same league as Iraq, and Mexico is a lot closer.


President Calderon of Mexico has correctly blamed the drug users of the United States for the crisis that threatens to tear México apart: without money from the U.S., the drug cartels would wither.

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