Take up thy cross
Mount Calvary Church
A Roman Catholic Parish
The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of S. Peter
Eutaw St. and Madison Ave.
Baltimore, Maryland
Rev. Albert Scharbach, Pastor
Dr. Allen Buskirk, Choirmaster
Trinity XII
September 8, 2019
Summer Schedule
One Mass at 9:00 A.M.
Breakfast following in the undercroft
O Divine Redeemer, Charles Gounod
Ah! Turn me not away,
Receive me though unworthy;
Hear Thou my cry,
Behold, Lord, my distress!
Answer me from thy throne
Haste Thee, Lord to mine aid,
Thy pity shew in my deep anguish!
Let not the sword of vengeance smite me,
Though righteous thine anger,
O Lord! Shield me in danger, O regard me!
On Thee, Lord, alone will I call.
O Divine Redeemer!
I pray Thee, grant me pardon,
and remember not, remember not my sins!
Forgive me, O Divine Redeemer!
Night gathers round my soul;
Fearful, I cry to Thee;
Come to mine aid, O Lord!
Haste Thee, Lord, haste to help me!
Hear my cry! Save me Lord in Thy mercy;
Come and save me O Lord
Save, in the day of retribution,
From Death shield Thou me, O my God!
O Divine Redeemer, have mercy!
Help me, my Savior!
En priere, Gabriel Faure
Si la voix d’un enfant peut monter jusqu’à Vous,
Ô mon Père,
Écoutez de Jésus, devant Vous à genoux,
La prière!
Si Vous m’avez choisi pour enseigner vos lois
Sur la terre,
Je saurai Vous servir, auguste Roi des rois,
Ô Lumière!
Sur mes lèvres, Seigneur, mettez la vérité
Pour que celui qui doute, avec humilité
Vous révère!
Ne m’abandonnez pas, donnez-moi la douceur
Pour apaiser les maux, soulager la douleur,
La misère!
Révélez Vous à moi, Seigneur en qui je crois
Et j’espère:
Pour Vous je veux souffrir et mourir sur la croix,
Au calvaire!
If the voice of a child could reach up to you,
O my Father,
To be heard by Jesus… kneeling before You,
A prayer!
If you have chosen me to teach your laws
On Earth,
I would know how to serve you, august King of kings,
O Light!
On my lips, Lord, place the Truth
So that those who doubt, with humility will
revere you!
Do not abandon me, but give me the Grace
to overcome evils, and to relieve pain
and misery!
Reveal yourself to me, Lord in whom I believe
and hope!
For You I want to suffer and die on the Cross,
on Calvary!
Immortal, Invisible, God only wise (ST DENIO) by William Chalmers Smith (1824—1908), is a proclamation of the transcendence of God: “To the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever” (1 Tim 17). No man has ever seen God, who dwells in inaccessible light that is darkness to mortal eyes. God lacks nothing (“nor wanting”) and never changes (“nor wasting”), and is undying, unlike mortals, who in a striking image “blossom and flourish like leaves on the tree, then wither and perish.” The original ending of the hymn completes the thought: “And so let Thy glory, almighty, impart, / Through Christ in His story, Thy Christ to the heart.” “No one has ever seen God; the only Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has made Him known” (John 1:18). Only in Jesus through the proclamation of the Gospel can we know the Father.
John Roberts, in Welsh Ieuan Gwyllt (1822-1877), composed the tune ST. DENIO (also known as JOANNA, or PALESTINA). It is derived from a Welsh folk song Can Mlynned i ‘nawr’ (“A Hundred Years from Now”).
Fairest Lord Jesus (CRUSADERS HYMN) is a 17th century German, hymn. Three stanzas of this hymn are taken from the version published by Richard Storrs Willis (1819-1900), in his Church Chorals and Choir Studies (New York, 1850). The tune emerges in Franz Liszt’s oratorio Legend of Saint Elizabeth—wherein the tune forms part of the “Crusader’s March”—but no evidence of the tune exists prior to 1842, when the hymn appeared in Schlesische Volkslieder.
Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee was written ca. 1908, when Henry van Dyke (1852-1953) was a visiting preacher at Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, set in the beautiful landscape of the Berkshire Hills, which is said to have inspired the hymn. Van Dyke, a Presbyterian minister, was also a professor of English literature at Princeton and a friend of President Woodrow Wilson. He also served as a naval chaplain in World War I. He composed it to be sung to the Ode to Joy in Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.