Although the Nazis did harvest the gold from Holocaust victims’ teeth, I believe the stories of lampshades made from human skin were Allied propaganda (not that such exaggerations were necessary – reality was bad enough).
However the Nazi “waste not, want not” philosophy is being applied to aborted children:
Aborted Fetal Material Used in Anti-Wrinkle Creams
Children of God for Life announced today that Neocutis, a bio-pharmaceutical company focused on dermatology and skin care is using aborted fetal cell lines to produce several of their anti-aging skin creams.
“It is absolutely deplorable that Neocutis would resort to exploiting the remains of a deliberately slaughtered baby for nothing other than pure vanity and financial gain,” stated Executive Director Debi Vinnedge. “There is simply no moral justification for this.”
For years Children of God for Life has been a watchdog on pharmaceutical companies using aborted fetal cell lines in medical products and they have received thousands of inquiries from the public on the use of aborted fetal material in cosmetics.
Until now, this was the first time they have encountered any company bold enough to put the information right on their own website and product literature. A quick investigation into the science behind the products revealed the shameless data.
Neocutis’ key ingredient known as “Processed Skin Proteins” was developed at the University of Luasanne from the skin tissue of a 14-week gestation electively-aborted male baby donated by the University Hospital in Switzerland. Subsequently, a working cell bank was established, containing several billion cultured skin cells to produce the human growth factor needed to restore aging skin. The list of products using the cell line include: Bio-Gel, Journee, Bio-Serum, Prevedem, Bio Restorative Skin Cream and Lumiere. But Vinnedge is calling for a full boycott of all Neocutis products, regardless of their source.
“There is absolutely no reason to use aborted babies for such selfish motives,” Vinnedge said. “It is anti-life, anti-woman and counter-productive as Neocutis is about to find out!”
There are both photos and film of the tattooed human skin used for lamp shades and other
“knick-knacks” – it may have been only one camp commandant (either Buchenwald or
Bergen-Belsen) while the ‘economic processing’
involved in ‘retrieving’ dental gold was apparently much more widespread. So it wasn’t Allied propaganda. The ‘error’ if there is any would be to assume that the harvesting of ‘skin’ was as widespread as the ‘economic harvesting’ of dental gold. Lets hope that a similar ‘economic processing’ does not take hold for the remains of the unborn.