A factoid has taken root in the minds of the Vatican: that less than one percent of Catholic priests have been accused of pedophilia. According to CNA,
The prefect for the Congregation for the Clergy, Cardinal Claudio Hummes, said pedophilia is one of the gravest problems of sexual misconduct, but he asserted that the media exaggerated the number of priests involved in such cases, which in reality involved less than 1% of the clergy.
Hummes is sheltering himself from reality by spreading, not exactly lies, but seriously distorted information.
Too many bishops (and cardinals) still have not learned that the majority see them as “spinmeisters”, an old boys’ network with a sick agenda. Whereas many priests and a few bishops are truly men of God, many are not. Why promote a philosophy opposite the church’s teachings unless you are evil? There’s much talk about the death penalty, illegal immigration, how to vote. Unfortunately, there’s too little talk regarding homosexuality and abortion. So, Cardinal Hummes, it’s time to get your head out of your fanny and get back on track (or retire). Speak the truth – no spin!
Yes, the problem comes from the equivocal nature of the term “pedophilia.” According to the DSM-IV, considered the most prestigious manual for diagnosing psychological disorders, the victim of pedophilia has to be 13 years of age or under. But in the U.S. courts, “pedophilia” is used for sexual abuse of anyone under 18 years of age. This is simply “sexual abuse of minors,” not technically “pedophilia.” Most priest abusers choose male victims between 14 and 17 years of age. Here in Mexico, we still use the word “pederasty,” which may be the more precise term, since the John Jay study found that priest predators, in 81% of the cases, abused post-pubescent boys.