Martin Sheen (who is in fact Spanish – or rather Galician) has done a very moving movie on the Camino de Santiago – “The Way.” It will be released July 25 (the Feast of St James) in a Holy Year for the Camino, because this year the Feast of St. James falls on a Sunday.
I, Deo volente – Dios mediante, will begin the Camino on September 20, and arrive in Santiago on All Saints Day (La Fiesta de Todos los Santos).
Here is the trailer:
The plot is heart-rending: a widower loses his son, who is killed as he begins the Camino. The father resolves to walk the Camino with the ashes of his son – and learns a lot along the way.
From the memoirs I have read, the story is all too probable. The very first day of the Camino, leaving from St. Jean Pied du Port and climbing over the Pyrenees, is in fact the most dangerous, and every year someone dies.(There is an alternative route I have promised my wife I will take if the weather looks threatening).
Sometimes people walk the Camino with a sick family member to pray for healing. The family member dies on the Camino, and the survivor comes back to complete it for him. And all along the way are the crucifixes, and the pilgrims kiss the bleeding feet of Jesus, as their feet (all too often) bleed too.
Martin Sheen’s father was spanish (Sheen’s name was originally Ramon Estevez) but his mother was Irish and he has Irish citizenship. A few years ago Sheen did a semester at the University of Galway where a good friend of mine teaches philosophy. My friend taught Sheen and said he’s an excellent man, humble and kind, who was well liked by the other students. He is also a very serious Catholic. I will look forward to seeing this film.
I leave for Ireland a week from today and will be interested to hear what people there are thinking and saying about the recent scandals. The area I will be in (rural, half hour drive from Galway) is a traditional stronghold of faith with 80% attending Mass regularly only two years ago. I wonder how that may have changed.
If the trailer is any indication, this will be a great movie. May God bless your journey, Mr. Podles, and bring you safely to the destination.
I walked the Camino from Vezalay back in 2004. The piety of the people in the Basque country was one of the few instances of fervency I saw along the Way. Most of my fellow pilgrims I met were uninterested in the Faith. I only met one other who would hear mass with me.
As for crossing the Pyrenees, I took the Route Napoleon on March 11, and it was magnificent. About a third the way I was in snow well above my ankles, often above my knee. If you are in good shape, it wouldn’t have been too much a problem.. It took a full day for me to make it, and I basically skied down the Spanish side on my shins.
The reason I remember the date is that when I arrived at the hostel, the news was reporting the Madrid bombings.
Thanks for the link to Mr. Sheen’s film. Must see that..
Ultreia, Mr. Podles. Thanks for all your good work.