The Horace Mann school in New York had abusers and the reaction of the administration to allegations closely parallel the reactions of Catholic bishops: refusal to listen, cover-ups, unexplained dismissals. Both abusers and victims committed suicide.
Amo Kalmil’s article in the New York Times Prep School Predators documents the dynamics of abuse. He examines his attitude to his alma mater:
I have similarly conflicted feelings about Horace Mann. It was in many ways an amazing place filled with inspiring teachers and smart, funny students, with a sense of enthusiasm and possibility. Despite all I’ve since learned about it, I still look back on my years there with affection and gratitude, as do so many former students, even some who shared their harrowing stories with me. But that gratitude is part of what makes these stories so painful. We were at such a vulnerable moment in our lives — just beginning to make the transition from childhood into early adulthood, struggling to come to terms with the responsibilities of sexuality and trying to decide what we were willing to stand up for. We needed strong and consistent role models. In many cases we got them. But in too many other cases, we got models of how to abuse authority, how to manipulate trust, how to keep silent, how to fix your eyes forward.
Much the same could be said about the Church: while doing much good, it allowed the exploitation of the vulnerable.
The press has been criticized for not writing about abuse in other institutions. But someone has to come forward, and the NYT printed a long story about one of the most prestigious schools in the city.
Horace Mann was probably not unique; abuse almost certainly went on in other prep schools.
The New York State Legislature has refused to extend the statute of limitations (now a childhood abuse victim has only until age 23 to report the abuse) and has refused to allow a window to sue for past abuse. The Catholic hierarchy has been the most public opponent of such a window. But I strongly suspect that very influential New Yorkers connected with the prep schools are also quietly lobbying against such a window.
one of several on the CDC site that notes the high rate of intercourse below age 13 in publis school students.
You are so right about the “highly influential” Leon!
I have had the motivation, per request by others, to do some research into the horrific Belgium kidnapping case which cculminated with the areest of Dutroux. It seems the press here gave little coverage to the hundreds of thousands who filled the streets in Belgium in a rage over the suspected coverup by the authorities there. Several dogged reporters and investigators though picked up on the testimonies of victims who were questioned after Dutroux revealed he had worked with and for an international pedophile ring also. Note the ” highly influential.”
Wading futher into the cesspool I came across the “ultra conservative”Bishop in the Netherlands who destryed hus Docesan files concerning the pederasts he shuffled ( shades of Philadelphia) and then found articles accusing the same Bishop of perverted activity in the conservative seminary he himself founded!
Much to my heightened disgust I came across a Dutch Catholic’s blog on which he published a photo taken some time ago which features the then Cardinal Ratzinger breaking bread with his friend discussing the seminary.The caption interview speaks for itself.
Dr Reyes, You may want to familiarize yourself with the work of Judith Reisman PhD who, in her research, has covered answers to the causes of the CDC’s alarming report you cite.
“It was a time of different values and different systems…It was hubris. H.M. was sure it was above everybody else. Nobody wanted anything to change.”
There you have the reason every organization wants to cover up its crimes. The airing of such dirty laundry would prove that the high and mighty, the wealthy and the better educated, and the holier than thou are really not any better than anyone else. It is also called the deadliest sin of all: excessive pride. Such people are able to intimidate victims into keeping quiet.
Read more about the “highly influential”
The comments are very telling regarding this ongoing trial
Happy Father’s Day to this young Dad who acted with a father’s outrage when he caught a 47 year old man raping his five yr old daughter.
But alas, CNN has chosen to mock the town that support this father….
Normal is not “politically correct” these days.
Look up the book “The Franklin Cover-up” by John DeCamp. Dutroux-style incidents have been going on in the US for years. In the case of Franklin, satanic abuse was going on in eastern Nebraska.
A dear deceased friend of mine drove the elderly Monsignore ( Hupp I think his name was ) to and from the court for his testimonies against the perps involved with Boys Town .
“Beyond Dutroux” seems to be an ongoing.investigation with postings on the internet.
Catholic and Mary,
How can we tell when accusations of satanic rituals are true? I remember reading c. 1983 a book with a forward by Pope Paul VI written by a woman survivor of such things which was later proved to be a hoax. The accusations in the McMartin Daycare prosecutions were similarly unfounded, but cost the state of California millions because they were driven by prosecutors zealous for political approval.
Similarly, the accusations of genocide in the Indian Schools in Canada are yet to be proven. The cemeteries have yet to be excavated which will reveal all the bodies of Native American Children. I personally knew three people who taught or volunteered at these schools and there was never a hint that they saw any wrongdoing of this type.