You can’t make these things up:
A teacher in the secondary school Institute Menénez Tola has been denounced by the family of a Moslem student for talking about ham in class.
Un profesor de secundaria del Instituto Menénez Tolosa…ha sido denunciado por la familia de un alumno musulmán por hablar de jamón en clase. En concreto, el docente impartía clase de Geografía cuando, al hacer referencia a los distintos climas de España, comentó que el frío propio de Trévelez, en Granada, favorecía la curación del jamón.
Fuen ese momento cuando un alumno de origen musulmán consideró que el ejemplo era una ofensa para su credo. Tras la denuncia interpuesta por la familia del menor, la Policía se personó en el Instituto para interrogar al profesor.
The teacher was lecturing about climate and mentioned that the climate of a Spanish city favored the curing of hams.
A snotty Moslem kid (13 years old – what else) took offense at the word “ham,” raised his hand, told the teacher that he was not to use that word in class, the teacher told the snotty kid off, the kid then told his parents, the parents went to the police, the police went to the school and interrogated the teacher.
José Reyes Fernández, the teacher, was livid. He said the denunciation to the police was “ridiculous, intolerable, and grotesque,” and that the mother had resorted to “defamation, lies, and calumny.” She had attacked “his honor, his image, and his professional ethics.”
The local school officials supported the teacher, who still has a police complaint on his record.
Two points — one minor, one major – you decide which is which.
The Spanish may have abandoned Catholicism, but they are still devoted to ham. There are ham shops throughout Spain, I walked past a Museum of Ham in one city, and my wife tried the ham ice cream in Madrid.
The snotty Moslem kid may have known his complaint wouldn’t get far, but he put teachers on notice that they had better not say anything offensive to Moslems. How do teachers talk about Spanish history, the Reconquest, or terrorism?
If one wants to live in a European country, then one must embrace the already exisitng culture and institutions, etc. of that country. I have no problem with the immigration of non-Europeans into Europe if they are willing to assimilate. If they are not, then they should not be permitted to settle or remanin. The growing poularity of politicians like Mr. Wilders in the Netherlands indicates that many native Europeans are sick and tired.
Frankly, this is a good thing. The more that Muslims demand, the more they will feel resistance even from “open-minded” and “multicultural” Europeans who are sick and tired of having their values and their continent urinated upon. Sadly, the Church has not cared.
Just read this article from Front Page Magazine:
The bishops have NOT said nothing about!
Sad, very sad.