Last night I watched an episode of Foyle’s War. The criminal was an English teenager who had watched too many American gangster movies and started to act them out. Ecoterrorists were inspired by Edward Abbey novels. The Sorrows of Young Werther led to a rash of suicides.
I fear that the bombers in Boston may inspire copycats. Two teenagers have paralyzed a major city and have made the international news.
But what can the media do? They can hardly ignore what is going on in Boston. But the more coverage they give, the more likely some alienated teenager is going to get ideas.
I am sure the city of Rome was paralyzed when the Christians or zealots set fire to it during the reign of Nero. The true believers are not afraid of death as long as they believe in their cause. The Japanese were willing to commit suicide for their emperor during WWII by crashing into our ships. Americans were once like that during the Boston massacre and other battles of the Revolutionary War!
I think one brother is 26 with a wife and daughter. If u look at the online amateur sleuth photos there were a number of similarly clad men carrying black bags there.
Zealots come in all shapes and sizes and media has always been a tool of influence.
In November 1987 article entitled “The Overhauling of Straight America” appeared in Guide Magazine. A few years later it’s authors did expand it into a book:
Marshall Kirk, Hunter Madsen: “After the Ball — How America will conquer its fear and hatred of Gays in the 1990s”. (Plume, 1990), ISBN: 0452264987.
Christians burned Rome during the reign of Nero?
Please provide the historical writings on this .
Currently there are stories like the Gosnell abortionist trial that get little or no attention by the media .Why?
Here is another news worthy story that seemed to get buried.
“I happened to see the story because I was in the Los Angeles area for a business meeting and happened to pick up the community newspaper.
If some homosexual group had been the target of anti-gay graffiti, the story would have been carried by every news outlet. Hate crime charges would have been leveled against the perpetrators. Sensitivity training would have been demanded by homosexual groups across the country.
Any time someone makes a derogatory comment about homosexuality, the gaystapo goes into action. The media comply with front-page stories to insure that the person who said negative things about homosexuals never dares do it again.”
Read more:
The writer Steve Sailer has noted that these things tend to move in hard-to-understand cycles. From 1963 to 1981 assassination attempts happened rather regularly; then they suddenly stopped. Two different people tried to kill Gerald Ford (!), yet Clinton, Bush, and Obama, although all three have had blocs of true haters, have never been the subject of serious attempts.
School shootings increased in the nineties, but after they reached a climax at Columbine there was a relative lull until they began to increase again a few years ago. The “disgruntled postal worker” murders of the early nineties led to no lasting trend. We will have to see how this develops.