McQueary claims he in fact did not act like an utter wimp:
A grand jury report said McQueary witnessed seeing Sandusky, the team’s former defensive coordinator, sexually assaulting the boy in a shower on campus, then reported it only to his father and head coach Joe Paterno. According to the report, McQueary did not notify law enforcement or do anything to halt the attack.
Did McQueary tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth to the grand jury? It looks like he either lied to the grand jury or he is lying to his teammates. He will have to explain the discrepancy on the witness stand. If he says he lied to the grand jury, he may face perjury charges.
In the email, McQueary said:
“I did stop it, not physically … but made sure it was stopped when I left that locker room … I did have discussions with police and with the official at the university in charge of police …. no one can imagine my thoughts or wants to be in my shoes for those 30-45 seconds … trust me.
“I am getting hammered for handling this the right way … or what I thought at the time was right … I had to make tough, impacting quick decisions.”
In the email, McQueary states that he also told Penn State University police about what he saw that night.
“The graduate assistant was never questioned by University police and no other entity conducted an investigation,” according to the presentment.
Public outrage followed McQueary’s implied inaction, and he was placed on paid administrative leave Friday after receiving threats. The school did not provide details on who threatened McQueary.
His email would explain his involvement in what he allegedly witnessed.
“I did the right thing … you guys know me … the truth is not out there fully … I didn’t just turn and run … I made sure it stopped … I had to make quick tough decisions,” McQueary wrote, according to NBC News.
So what really happened? And what did McQueary tell the grand jury?
Something is rotten in the state of Penn State, and it will hopefully be made clear by the testimony at the trial. If what McQueary is now saying is true, then some high placed police were part of the cover-up. Still, Mcqueary did not call 911 to get medical attention for the child. Was that too tough a decision for him to make? Without a 911 call his claim is not verifiable. Did he just let the rapist take the boy back home to the mother? Just last night I heard the Governor of Pennsylvania state that he did not have enough evidence to try to indict Sandusky in 2009. I hope that this trial is televised. The American people have a right to know how justice really works out in this case.
Let naive single mothers beware of these organizations such as Second Mile which are ostensibly created to help them raise their children. These groups are both money grubbing charities created by “professional” people and sometimes covers for illicit activity. The message is clear: no one can subsitute for a parent when it comes to the protection of his/her children.