In perusing the Naples Daly News this morning, I came across the curious announcement:
Pastor in residence
The Rev. Thomas Glackin, former pastor at St. John the Evangelist and St. Agnes Catholic churches, will serve as pastor in residence at First Congregationalist Church of Naples. He will share pastoral leadership with the Rev. Les Wicker and will deliver the 8 and 10 a.m. messages on Sunday.
As I remember, Father Glackin has been on the outs with the new bishop of the Venice diocese, Frank Dewane, over the issue of Voice of the Faithful speakers like Charles Curran. Glackin retired in the fall of 2008, although he not listed a a priest on the website of the diocese of Venice.
In the summer of 2009 he became guest pastor of this Congregationalist church and now he is pastor in residence.
When I was at the University of Virgina in the early 1970s, a Dominican I knew there, Father Thomas Clifford, was an excellent preacher, so good, in fact that a Baptist church asked him to become their pastor. He was flattered but declined. Has anyone heard of a similar arrangement?
Maybe we could get some good Protestant preachers to preach in our Catholic churches too.