There’s my daddy. Let me ask him what I should do.
Mike McQueary, the 28-year-old aspiring coach at Penn State, the one who saw Sandusky butt-fucking a ten-year-old boy, left the scene of the crime and called his daddy. McQueary needs to take remedial masculinity courses.
DeeGee suggests this as a scenario that should be studied in such a class:
If you need a reminder of what to do if you walk into a shower area and find a grown man thrusting behind a boy bracing with his arms against a wall, you could do worse than the following.
You: Move away from the boy. I’m talking to you old man. Stand back. Do it now.
Man: Aw, come on, we’re just horsing around.
You: Shut up and move away from the boy. Kid? Kid, look at me. Turn around and look at me. Go get dressed. You’re going to the hospital.
Man: Hospital? For what?
Man: Oh, you’re big stuff now. Is that it? You think you’ve got something on me? Me? Don’t make me laugh. You know who I am.
You: I don’t know you. The man I thought I knew isn’t here.
Man: Stop the innocent act. You don’t know me? Good one.
You: Kid, you need help over there? Let’s go. Let’s get out of here.
Man: What’s the hurry. He’s not late, he’s staying in my basement room.
You: Not tonight, pal, and not ever again. Not anyone.
Man: What’s that supposed to mean. You know what you signed on for, don’t you? If you want to move up the career ladder here, just walk out that door. You can do it. I’ll have a recommendation for you on my desk in the morning.
You: (picking up a trash can) Kid, wait over by the door. I’ll be right there.
Man: You don’t have to take him. I like him. You can have a different one.
You: (take the trash can into the shower for the sort of beating that crumbles the steel can and drops the man to the tile floor, then put the smashed can against his head and kick until your leg gets tired. Leave with the boy.)
Kid: Did you hurt Mr. Sandusky.
You: Did he hurt you?
Kid: Yes he did, again.
You: He won’t again. Do you like that?
Kid: Yes.
You: You’re not a throw away.
Kid: What?
You: Nothing.
Kid: I don’t feel so good.
You: Neither do I, kid, neither do I.
McQueary will be coaching Saturday – with a name that is custom made for mockery. I wonder if there will be a riot at the stadium.
Paterno and Sandusky are good Catholics and members of the Knights of Columbus (which honored him) and imitated the priests and bishops who taught them by example how to act.
Yes, I am bitter – I am bitter about the weak being sacrificed to the convenience of the powerful and the entertainment of the masses.
The Board of Trustees has more balls than the entire Penn State football staff. They have banned McQueary from the Saturday game – now if they would only fire him.
Penn State‘s Board of Trustees have asked the university’s head football coach to keep Mike McQueary, the assistant coach at the center of a child sex scandal, off the field during Saturday’s nationally-televised game against Nebraska, according to one of the trustees.
The board does not plan to fire McQueary or ask him to step down, according to the trustee, who asked to remain anonymous because of the sensitive nature of the matter.
“The Board of Trustees has more balls than the entire Penn State football staff.”
I would amend that to read “…than the entire American and Irish episcopacies from 1950 to 2001.”
As for McQ: a rape in process and he sinned mortally in his failure– a worst case sin by omission. If we weren’t Catholic I would recommend suicide as an honorable way out of his shame. Instead I heartily recommend the Sacrament of Confession with the biggest SOB priest in Pennsylvania. Maybe the priest can put the fear of God into him.
If our press wasn’t so feminized as well, the outrage we feel against McQ would be a dominant theme of the press coverage, not a side conversation on a few blogs.
“Paterno and Sandusky are good Catholics and members of the Knights of Columbus”
The pain! I bet they will expelled from the Knight of Coumbus, right?
Can we stop using the word “feminized” since it is clearly a slur on women! Say de-masculinized since that seems to be the point. Or is slurring women the point?
De-masculinized is the better word. This is not about dissing girls and women – who of course are the other gender of choice for pedophiles and sexual predators.
Preach it brother.
John Iliff
Episcopalian and SNAP parent
I agree Molly! Most women I know would have clobbered Sandusky without a second thought. That includes my mother who probably would have killed him.
This whole stinking mess would still be tidily kept under wraps, and never have gotten out in the open but for two raging mad Moms. One even wore a wire to try to take down Sandusky during the first investigation in the 90s.