For some reason I do not understand, German newspapers will not print the names of convicted criminals. However, the Italian press is more like the American.
The abuser identified only as Father “H” in the German press has been identified as Peter Hullermann by La Stampa. He is still a priest in Bad Tölz in Germany.
He was first in Munich, then in Garching, and after 2008 in Bad Tölz.
Remember: Hullermann was sent to Munich for treatment; the vicar general under Ratzinger, Gruber, put Hullermann in a parish, where he abused again, and was convicted, He was returnedto parish work and remained an active priest until this week.
«L’hanno spostato qua e là e lui ha continuato a comportarsi come prima», lamenta al telefono Wilfried F. È lui la vittima degli abusi che ha dato il via all’intera vicenda. Negli Anni 70, di ritorno da un’escursione, il parroco, allora ancora a Essen, gli diede degli alcolici, lo rinchiuse nella sua camera, lo spogliò e lo costrinse a fare sesso orale. Quando lo venne a sapere, spiega Wilfried F., la Chiesa preferì regolare la questione al proprio interno, senza far intervenire la magistratura. A lui, allora undicenne, assicurarono: «Quel prete non lavorerà più con i bambini». Invece, poco dopo, Hullermann fu trasferito a Monaco e, in seguito a una decisione presa non da Ratzinger ma dall’allora vicario generale Gerhard Gruber, si vide riassegnati incarichi pastorali. Di lì a qualche anno fu nuovamente accusato di pedofilia. Non tutti, tuttavia, lo ricordano con astio. Anzi. Quando lasciò la comunità di Garching, nel 2008, ci furono applausi a scena aperta e a qualcuno scapparono persino delle lacrime. Un rappresentante dei chierichetti sostenne persino che «Hullermann è riuscito a creare una chiesa giovane e a trasmettere in modo duraturo il suo amore per la liturgia alle giovani generazioni».
In Essen in the 1970s, after plying a boy with liquor, Hullermann has oral sex with him. The church found out, put preferred to handle it internally rather than go to the police. But the victim was assured that the priest would never again work with children.” Hullermann was transferred to Munich with Ratzinger’s permission, and was supposed to receive treatment. The vicar general Gerhard Gruber, supposedly without Ratzinger’s knowledge, put Hullermann in a parish, There he again abused a child.
When Hullermann left Garching in 2008, there was a scene of applause and tears. Hullermann had taken such an interest in the youth of the parish.
Peter Hullermann is at the left
Leon, I read about a similar scene here in California. The parish priest was suddenly dismissed because of allegations of abuse (which later proved to be true). The parishoners held a party for him and felt very sad at his leaving. A newspaper reporter was there and started asking questions. The parishoners turned on him.
That reporter, William Lobdell, was considering becoming a Catholic. Instead, he abandoned God altogether. He wrote a book about his experiences, “Losing My Religion.”
Christians everywhere, especially Catholics, should look at the long-term damage they can do by blindly supporting personalities instead of Christ.
How very cute they are, all dressed up in their “play clothes”. It is so sickening to me that anyone can stay in this evil church?
They are surely driving “the get a way car”in this Crime Against Humanity. I’m spesking only of those WHO HAVE KNOWN AND DONE NOTHING out of FEAR of the Hierarchy. This is aiding and abbetting in these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
It is truly the Church of Darkness.
The Church of Darkness? That’s a bit dramatic. Anyway, I will agree as a Catholic it is time to take care of this mess once and for all. We had a priest in our parish that was doing inappropriate things and once again the people of the parish supported him whole heartedly. It was so disgusting and upsetting, but I never let that come between me and my relationship with God, Catholic or not. I still remain a Catholic b/c I believe in God and my faith. That does not make my church the ‘Church of Darkness’. That would be lumping every parish member and priest together with those parish members/priests that have committed these crimes. That is unfair and I don’t believe that everyone should be persecuted for the actions of one person. God Bless you!
What else do catholics need to come to their senses!?