Because of a lack of public outcry, it looks like the Legion is going to finesse and survive the revelation that Maciel has a daughter. See the report of the talk given by the current head of the Legion here.
They are ascribing the conception of the daughter to a moment of human weakness (at age 68?). They are still not admitting any abuse of minors, and are ignoring the report that the mother was 15 when Maciel got her pregnant. This latter report may not be true, but it could be squelched by saying approximately how old the mother was. That would hardly be an invasion of privacy.
Of course there cannot be the same physical proof (DNA) of child molestation as of pregnancy. One has to listen to the accusers and decide how credible they are. The Vatican found them credible enough to retire Maciel in disgrace. But because there will never be physical evidence the Legion can say that there is no “proof” that Maciel was an abuser, if by proof they mean forensic, laboratory-verifiable evidence.
Because of the fatigue over the stream of scandals, the press is taking very little notice of Maciel. The Williamson debacle is far more interesting. Members of the Legion want to believe the best and ignore the evidence of narcissism and corruption. The human race is capable of almost infinite self-deception.
The leadership of Catholic Church entities are too used to finessing situations. That finessing takes the form of deceiving people who trust. Finessing the Macial affair may get the Legion through the next 30 news cycles, but will add another layer of corruption to the dsyfunctional culure of secrecy and authoritarianism that mars the Legion of Christ. And the Church in toto. The Vatican (not a model of transparency) needs to put the Legion into a kind of recievership, investigate the whole Maciel picture -who enabled him- and make some changes in the operation of that institute. Or perhaps surpress it if it is unsalvageable. Finessing church scandals violates the trust of the People of God. Adding another chapter of finessing surely should not happen.
Actually, I’m quite surprised. Why is the Williamson debacle so much more interesting to the press? The Jewish-Catholic relations angle is *important*, but whenever did the press miss out on an international Catholic sex scandal with allegations of Vatican conspiracies, embezzlement, drug use, and cultish practices? Throw in a secret daughter out there for the press to track down and all sorts of pending law suits. I’m perplexed to say the least.
Your link to American Papist Tom Peters’ website is instructive. I just wasted an hour before my thick head got the message that no matter how shortened my comment, anything under my name would not be accepted on his board. My stupidity is humorous, but maybe my entry can receive consideration here.
“I am a friend of one of Maciel’s victims, among those who filed the canon case. The Vatican’s denial of a verdict in that case is a searing injustice, even if as Weigel comments, the effort was to save what can be saved.
At one point, the survivors’ canon lawyer made an astounding and uncharacteristic suggestion that it was “better for eight innocent men to suffer than thousands of people losing their faith.” Her clients believe firmly the lawyer was repeating a rationale by a Vatican official.
So, essentially we have the abandonment of principle for appearance, la bella figura. The faith of thousands within the Legion has been bartered for the cruel suffering and revictimization of Maciel’s victims.
No matter, according to my friend’s wife, he was waking in terror from nightmares 40 years later, calling for Maciel to stop. Such a bargain will leave all with the taste of ashes. Faith cannot be based on falsehood.
For those interested in the truth, read two LC priests’ sworn statements in the 1950’s about Maciel’s drug addiction and abuse at and His deceit and depravity were established early, fogged over by a personality cult and manipulative personality.
When does the willful blindness and conscious ignorance stop? God will not be mocked. Face reality and then find a way to serve the Lord in integrity.
Buy the book and DVD of “Vows of Silence” at . Until those facts are acknowledged, and deep apologies made to those viciously attacked by the Legion, justice and peace will not embrace.”
Dear Mr. Podles,
You might want to get busy on aTwo-Act Play. It would not be heresy to have a conversation between Maciel and one of the big shots in Rome, even the previous pope himself. Maciel, McGuire sj, and all the other corrupt -of -the- worst- kind religious leaders must be mocked. (C. S .Lewis agrees)The stage is where to do it. We must never forget Whose Name they were using as they raped children and continued their theft and fraud over decent people everywhere, and for centures, Mr. Podles. A stage play might be the most noble creative task and good for your soul. Irreverence can be a spark of true love and carries holy energy. Honest.
Mary M.
Carolyn …you are right…Keep on writing…It’s so important that people with closed minds and ears hear the Truth …as often as possible in the national media.
Why would Tom Peters censure you? He hasn’t censured other critics?