Peggy Noonan commented on the massacre in Connecticut on her blog at the Wall Street Journal:
Something else about this story. I know so many people who in past tragedies were glued to the TV. They wanted to hear the facts of Columbine, Aurora, Tucson. They wanted to hear what happened so they could understand and comprehend. After Newtown, I’d mention some aspect of the story and they didn’t know, because they weren’t watching. And they’re not going to watch anymore. “Too depressing” they say, softly.
Even journalists who by nature and training want to know the latest fact aren’t, unless they’re working the story, closely following it. Because it’s too painful now, because they’re not sure anything can be done to turn it around and make better the era we’re in. This new fatalism is . . . well, new. And I understand it, but there’s something so defeated in turning away, in not listening to or hearing the stories of the parents and the responders and the teachers.
Noonan has observed in this case how people respond when something truly horrible happens: people don’t want to know what really happened. Victims of torture who try to tell people what they have been through find that people turn away their faces and stop their ears. When escapees from Nazi murder camps tried to warn people, even fellow Jews, they were not believed. I sold 10,000 copies of my first book, The Church Impotent: The Feminization of Christianity, but only a few hundred copies of my second and far more important book Sacrilege: Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church. The publisher who had commissioned the book walked away and said it was too horrible to publish. The editor at Oxford said she would not touch it with a hundred-foot pole. Even my friends, even psychiatrists, who began reading the book said they couldn’t continue, it was too horrible.
This reaction is something the worst criminals count on: people won’t do anything about the crimes because they don’t want to think about them, they don’t want to believe that such things occur. Alas, they do.
The best way to get that kind of information out to the most people is to publish it as a website with short pages that have pertinent tags for easy google searches. People can take short stories of it. When researchers or advocates google those tags, they will find what they need and be drawn in to the rest of the information. People don’t read books anymore anyway.
I also noticed comments on the Newtown Tragedy that were directed at not criticizing the mother of the shooter, e.g. stating that one should not name the first victim! That is really significant. I read that by her divorce settlement the mother gained the right to make all the decisions with regard to the welfare of the man/child. The father was to have no input whatsoever. And, now she should not be criticized, not even to mention that she is the first victim. Women are now beyond reproach in every thing they choose to do with their children. Strange and fearful newtown world we are creating here.
“Women are now beyond reproach in every thing they choose to do ….”
The same can be said about church hierarchy including the most recent Popes and canonized saints!
From the newspaper clippings ,from the fact that he was in charge of seminaries in the USA while stationed in DC, charges against him from even religious during his activities during Argentina’s Dirty War ..and the poor old ladies who are the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo who tried to get him extradited out of Vatican City back to Argentina, onto the bribery charges and Marcinkus Vatican Banking scandal , his friendship with the Head of the Magliani mafia boss Enrico DePedis who did him a “favor” and for whom he granted permission to be buried in the Opus Dei Basilica crypt….and then this most recent news clipping from the seventies posted online where he was found to be connected to the two priests who were arrested for tax fraud in petroleum accounts. One of the priests connected to Poletti was recently mentioned by Rome’s Exorcist Fr Amorth as having provided youth for sex parties to an Embassy in Rome!
Amorth wasn’t talking out of turn because the Italians knew Poletti was corrupt and that he was listed as a member of the Ecclesial Masons in the Propaganda Due Lodge raid by Italy’s equivalent to the FBI .What seems like crazy “conspiracy theory” to outsiders is fact based linked to historical news and arrests Italians.
“Upo”Poletti was Escriva’s ‘long time friend” and Postulator for his Cause who obtained the Basilica Apollinaire for Opus Dei . One only wonders what if any financial incentives Opus Dei handed out to this evil MASONIC crook?
Fr Villa documented to blackmail with Poletti connected to the alleged homosexual PP6th.
Fr Villa’s associate also states P JP2 was a Freemason in the article linked below and who was quoted by Fr Villa as having purposely placed masons in the Curia and when confronted he stated ,”Because I want it!”
I came across a short biography of Fr. Luigi Villa, who died last month, and found it an informative read:
Even more curious as to timing is the fact that
now, one month after his death , 100% of the Cardinals voted for PPVI Beatification despite the documeted file of pics and info on his last three known homosexual lovers that supressed the Beatification process in 1998?
…..and when “Upo” Cardinal Polletti died PJP2 gave him a glowing Eulogy! No wonder the kidnapped girl Emanuella Orlandi’s brother is demanding to know more about his sister’s disappearance as connected with Poletti! The Italian catholic laity know more about this than we do!,678097
I believe it was Cardinal Pio Laghi who was over the American seminaries and had been the object of requested extradition by the Mothers of Plaza de Maya .
He had oversight of Catholic Education as the Prefect for Catholic Education
Also ,he was instrumental in forging Vatican ties with both the Reagan and Bush Administrations,+was+%27key+architect%27+of+U.S.-Vatican+ties.-a0193034545
Laghi wrote down the instructions for acceptance to seminaries of candidates coming from other seminaries or Orders.
Laghi was also listed as a member of the P2 Lodge.
No great suprise here .
Just for fun i decided to look up some names on wikipedia of the Prelates in that infamous P2 list Picking one at random ,this is what I found……….
From the P2 list of names
Fiorenzo Angelini
Due to his responsibility for the health of the Vatican (head of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Health Care Workers, 1985–1996), which made him the leader of 3,000 institutions in Italy alone, Angelini (nicknamed Sua Sanità) was involved in the Tangentopoli bribery scandal of the early 1990s.[1] Accusations against him included the forced acceptance of his own people for public commissions, as well as extortion from a pharmaceutical company.[2][3] Angelini was not prosecuted, due to the Vatican’s extraterritorial privileges granted by the Lateran Pacts. Angelini was near to Giulio Andreotti, a Christian Democracy (DC) politician who was several times Prime Minister of Italy, and whose entourage fell from power in the same period by similar scandals (Andreotti himself was put on trial for associations with the mafia). Angelini celebrated the marriage of the daughter of Paolo Cirino Pomicino, another DC politician involved in the bribery scandals; the marriage was attended, amongst others, by Andreotti, Gianni De Michelis (also put on trial in the Tangentopoli scandal) and minister Francesco De Lorenzo, who was condemned to 5 years imprisonment for bribery in the management of Italy’s Public Health sector.[4]
He retired as President of Pastoral Care of Health Care Workers on December 31, 1996, and on February 26, 2002, he exercised the right of becoming a Cardinal Priest after ten years as a Cardinal Deacon. Angelini has called for the opening of a cause for the beatification of French geneticist Jérôme Lejeune.[5
Leon, the emotional reaction you discuss could well be the reason why many Catholics reacted the way they did to the news of clerical sex-abuse. They had been conditioned (aka, brainwashed) to believe that their priests and bishops lived on a far holier plane than they did, simply because of their office.
I might say the same thing about JPII because he always had a very esoteric theology and seemed to live a bubble of his own making as pope. Then again, when he said “They won’t let me” do anything about the problem, perhaps emotional fatalism didn’t apply in his case.
Your thoughts, Leon?
Read John DeCamp’s book The Franklin Cover-up. An occultic, satanic elite has risen to the highest echelons of power in the West, including the Church. The left-right charade in the Church is the work of Vatican magicians directing the Church deeper and deeper into the gutter.
Not just the DeCamp reveal , read about the Dutroux Case and how thousands came into the streets with white baloons to protest the elitist involvment ,the protection they were afforded by the legal authorities ,the coverups that were so blatent that the populace rose up in protest.Yet, nothing on our own World News about these events!
Still the comments under news articles about church clerical abuse arrests there are the Catholics who complain that this is all a biased media attack . Somewhere by peeling back the layers of the rotten onion is the truth.
Why do they defend molesting clerical cases as primarily ebophilic ,as if that is acceptable and understandable while pedophilia is not?
I am reminded of the recent protests going on in India.
Why do they defend molesting clerical cases as primarily ebophilic ,as if that is acceptable and understandable while pedophilia is not?
Because they have lost any regard or respect for God’s righteousness. They have to parse words and ethics to cover themselves, and justify themselves to themselves (let alone the outside world). They believe that belonging to the “One True Church” is enough.
Ephebophilia was specifically condemned by St. Paul. It was very common in the Hellenistic world and had as much to do with the assertion of power as with sexual attraction.
Saints Basil and Benedict warned men to not give into this temptation. Basil, Damian and Alphonsus of Liguori had rather harsh punishments in mind for priests who seduced and had intercourse with boys.
Being ordained was of no help Indeed, it was because of their ordination and leadership role that these priests were to be so severely punished. Apostolic succession and Holy Orders were all the more reason to treat them with severity. Quite a different approach from what we’ve seen in recent decades.