Die Welt reports:
Bissattacke kurz nach Mitternacht: Eine psychisch labile Frau hat an Weihnachten versucht, den Papst in den Hals zu beißen. Das meldete eine Schweizer Zeitung unter Berufung auf einen Sprecher der Schweizer Garde. Die Frau wollte sich demnach mit dem Biss für die Äußerungen Benedikts über Homosexuelle rächen.
Bite attack shortly after midnight: On Christmas a mentally unstable women tried to bite the Pope on the neck. A Swiss newspaper reported this from a source in the Swiss Guards. With the bite the women wanted to retaliate for Benedict’s remarks on homosexuality.
Ah, the force of rational argument to persuade the Pope of the error of his ways.
I am so grateful to have found your site. I was raised Catholic…later changed churches due to the abuse that I knew was taking place.
However, for me personally, it was like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. I spent 25 years married to an abuser and was told the abuse was “my fault”. Yet, a fractured eye-socket and broken jaw (due to being hit with a hammer) to the authorities was abuse. We were both ordained into the ministry. The very word “divorce” was repugnanat. Yet, that’s exactly what took place.
I wrote about this particular experience on my blog. The title of this post is…Heartache at the Hands of the “Church”.
My senior “pastor” was well aware of the abuse for 13 years.
VAtican + Empire = VAmpire