The pedophile bishop may have read the New York Times ad, or perhaps the Vatican has put out talking points:
Vangheluwe complained in the hour-long VT4 interview that the church was targeted in abuse probes, and that other sectors like sports organisations were let off too easily.
“Why is it different for priests than for other situations. Why should the church pay compensation and there is no compensation in other professions,” he said. “The church should not be pushed in a special corner.”
During the interview, Vangheluwe sat relaxed, sometimes had a smile dancing on his lips, a twinkle in his eye and shook his shoulders while trying to minimise his abuse.
He said that despite acknowledging the abuse, he would never willingly forsake his priesthood. He said he had made his vows and he would “not break them”.
Vangheluwe was Belgium’s longest-serving bishop when the scandal broke and was forced to admit he had abused his nephew, now in his early 40s, for years and even after becoming a bishop in 1984.
He said it started out at crowded family gatherings when lodgings were so cramped he had to sometimes share a bed with a child. “There was a moment when we were alone and it was almost a habit that it happened then,” he said of the abuse.
Vangheluwe said it ended when the nephew told him years later “rather forcefully” to stop it.
The abuse of the second nephew also happened in “the early period” when he had to share bunks “and it also happened a little bit”.
A few years later the most of the family knew it.
“He would never willingly forsake his priesthood. He said he had made his vows and he would “not break them”. ”
How does sexual contact with one’s nephew not break the vow / promise of Chastity?
It is a huge blessing that Vangheluwe keeps talking. This is the level of conscience, mind and heart of an ecclesiastical prince. Our beloved ancestors had no clue that these human vacancies have been prancing around altars, hearing confessions and pontificating moral values for only God knows how long.
Thank you, Dr. Podles, for your continued faithfulness.
Bishop Vangheluwe ask “Why is it different for priests than for other situations…The Church should not be pushed into a special corner.” Oh? I seem to remember someone important who said “To whom much is given much will be expected.” As well, the Church in its official teaching claims to be the one, true Church of Christ, to teach in His name and to have authority to bind its members under pain of serious sin to certain laws. The Church leadership cannot reasonably make the claims for our religion that it does and then hold it should be treated like any other organization.
Reluctantly I will watch the interview online given that I speak some Dutch . I hope this man gets some sense and genuinely repents from the heart. “Wow unto that one by whom the Son of Man is betrayed. Better for that man had he never been born.”
“How does sexual contact with one’s nephew not break the vow / promise of Chastity?”
I think Vows have become like the Ten Commandments…ten suggestions. Does anyone really think these perverts are real priests?
The Orthodox has Apostolic Succession as does the Catholic Church yet they do not have this little legalism, “Ex opera operato” has to do with the state of soul of the priest or bishop and his ability to confect sacraments. Should he be in grave sin or should he have great doubts regarding the faith, the sacraments he confects are still valid—so long as he intends what the Church intends by such confection. The sacraments perdure ex opera operato.”
Therefore, this was not part of the Catholic Church till after the first millenium. Now here’s the frightening question.If the Bishop knows the man to be Ordained is practicing a grave sin and still Ordains him then he is NOT a valid priest. Given the testimonies of so many men who were turned down by seminary rectors because they did not agree with the homosexuality within, it leaves me to wonder.
From Catholic Answers……
” If a man (heterosexual or homosexual) living a sinful way of life that is completely contrary to the Church should present himself for ordination, the ordination would be invalid as the result of his intention to deceive the ordaining prelate.
It is unlikely that a bishop with full knowledge of such a situation could have the appropriate intention needed to validly ordain such person.
Ludwig Ott’s “Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma” might be of interest to you regarding the sacraments and their ministers. It’s available at and by phone: 888 291 8000.”
Fr. Vincent Serpa, O.P.
“Why is it different for priests than for other situations. Why should the church pay compensation and there is no compensation in other professions. The church should not be pushed in a special corner.”
Well, it should be different for priests and the Church, as a whole, because the Church ostensibly represents “the fullness of the Gospel.” Also, because Jesus said God will demand much from those who receive much — such as authority in His Father’s name.
If he doesn’t understand that, then he has no business being Catholic, let alone a priest.
Vangheluwe’s comments reflect the fact that the Church more accurately reflects European elitism and class segregation than divine revelation. That’s not a new problem; it’s thousands of years old. That’s also why “Americanism” was regarded as “heresy;” local control threatened the power of ecclesiastical monarchs in Europe.
I cannot call this a blessing, Augusta. Can you imagine how painful this must be for his nephews to hear? I think we already knew how depraved this man (and his episcopal enablers) is before hearing the latest filth.
I ask:
Do the other bishops(at the time) knew about his evil proclivity?
Mere Catholic,
To me, it’s a blessing only insofar as it reveals the way at least some (and I suspect rather many)hierarchs actually view sexual molestation of children. And I personally believe it is very important that we know just how sociopathic these men really are.
I cannot imagine how painful it must be for victims to hear this sort of thing. But I can’t help but think the true insult and worst pain comes not from the bishop saying it but from the fact the bishop actually believes what he is saying. Him keeping silent about how he really feels wouldn’t change that.
Nobody knows what it is like for these victims unless have walked a mile in their shoes, but I do think if a loved one or myself had been sexually molested, I would prefer that the world hear from the monster’s own mouth just how depraved he actually is than that the world (and especially the fellow Catholics of the world) fool themselves with thinking perhaps he was a “good man who fell” or was “tempted by the devil because he was so holy” BS that so often is thrown out there to explain this kind of depravity.
The simple fact of the matter is that these guys are total sociopaths. Vangheluwe just revealed himself for what he actually is (to the obvious great discomfiture of so many others in the hierarchy, whose behavior in the cover-up and shuffling of these perverts tends to make me believe an awful lot of them are sociopaths as well, completely lacking the ability to empathize with the suffering of children). I hope that his victims take some comfort from the fact that now the world knows exactly what kind of fiend their abuser actually is. Even the hierarchy can’t come up with a defense for this bishop now that he has revealed what he really thinks (and has thought, for decades, while running his very own diocese and being honored by the Church!) about sexually assaulting 8 yr olds. Oh, how very inconvenient for the institution!
COMPARE Bishop from 388 to Bishop of 2011–Vainglory_and_Children.pdf
I watched the interview on a Flemish website. Vangheluwe definitely didn’t appear to “get it”. It reminded me of one of the priest abusers in the infamous New Foundland scandals of some years back who wrote to the parents of a boy he abused to say he “Forgave them” for the “trouble” they had caused him!
Well Fr now even the Vatican has no idea where he has run to.
And now even more victims are coming forward
Belgian bishop faces investigation over more abuse