It certainly looks like Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK) did what he was accused of doing – it is hard to imagine why a chambermaid would have made up such a story, and there seems to be forensic evidence. But after the violent tryst, DSK didn’t seem to be worried or anxious.
My wife, a reader of detective novels, has come up with a possible explanation.
Once we were giving an important party and decided to stay at the Royal Suite in a city and in a hotel which shall remain nameless to protect the guilty. My wife mentioned to a guest it would be nice to have an espresso machine in the morning. The guest had a friend who had worked at this hotel, and she said that those who stayed in this suite would be given anything – and that meant anything – they wanted: espresso machines, orchids, cocaine, call girls, etc. We settled for an espresso machine.
DSK was staying at the poshest suite at the Sofitel in Manhattan. Perhaps he had ordered through the hotel’s special services a pre-lunch snack and mistook the chambermaid for the snack. That would explain: 1. the behavior he was accused of 2. his lack of concern after the behavior.
Of course neither he nor the hotel nor the French government would admit that this was what had happened, if indeed it did happen that way. Nor would it keep DSK out of jail. The second he is given bail he will find a way to get to France, which does not extradite its citizens. We Americans are such Puritans about rape and child abuse – enlightened Europeans in Paris and the Vatican can’t understand our obsessions. DSK has the sympathy of the elites and will live comfortably if only he can persuade a New York judge to trust him out on bail. He would forfeit a million bucks, but what is that to a Socialist?
Lee ,
Your wife’s theory has merit.Another might be the end result of a blackmail scheme he did not acquiesce to. Surely you know there will be those who disagree with your inflammatory statement about our collective Puritanical views.
I presume the mention was to elicit rhetoric laced with angst? On the flip side, Europeans have been desensitized to porn longer than we have although, Hollywood and the media has certainly made a valiant effort for the cause here.Have you ever considered that the Catholics who are devoted to Mary are the same on both sides of the Atlantic simply because She represents the purity of body and soul that is required for those who seek to attain heaven? The mire of filth humanity has found itself sinking in is the result of the abandonment by Church leaders preaching to men about sexual self control. The response of Science has been to create pills to effectively make whores out of the average women in order to satisfy this unbrideled lust.Big Pharma is well aware the same hormones in these pills cause cancer since the results of the long term WHI study on the same hormones that were foisted upon pre and post menopausal women in the form of HRTs. It is too bad that the men in our society have no impetus to protect the female anymore.Instead, they pump themselves up going on about war to protect their country. No Lee, we are not Puritanical, we are hypocritical. And for the most part just plain stupid.come to think of it, perhaps that is the best theory as to ,”What Was He Thinking”.
Mary, Leon’s comment about American Puritanism was meant as a sarcastic jibe against the self-proclaimed European elites (and their American wannabes) who have “sophisticated” ideas about sexuality.
One more thing about your comment, “It is too bad that the men in our society have no impetus to protect the female anymore.Instead, they pump themselves up going on about war to protect their country. ”
There’s no inherent contradiction between the two. If my father were alive, he would tell you that. He loved my mother dearly and would do anything to protect her. He also was a provost marshall for the military police in the U.S. Army during WWII.
Leon, the answer to your question is very simple. People in power have a fundamental sense of entitlement. They can do what they want, to whom they want, with no consequences. The fact that European leaders think this way reflects centuries of monarchistic and class privledge. Even among so-called “classless” societies that the Communists and Nazis tried to construct, the party bureaucrats felt entitled to things that the “masses” weren’t — and the parties encouraged that thinking (remember “dollar stores” in the USSR, Leon?) to reinforce the idea of their elite status.
One hopes that “We Americans are such puritans about rape and child abuse” was said tongue in cheek. Yes, the men at the vatican are certainly enlightened. They are only too happy to order and control your sex life but don’t say anything about the clergy’s. By the way, I believe the teachings of Christ about sex and chastity as made known by the Church. I just find it a bit much that certain clerics seem to downplay clerical sex abuse but pounce on the indiscretions of the laity.
I would rather that he post bail and slip away to France where his career is ruined now anyway, than cost the American tax payer a dime.
Fr. Michael, have you considered the possibility that clerics downplay sex abuse but “pounce on the indiscretions of the laity” because 1)that’s how they keep the laity compliant through guilt 2)they have more loyalty to the ecclesiastical institution than to ethics or morality 3)they doth protesteth too much to covereth their own (considerable) failings 4)they — like monarchistic elites everywhere — have that fundamental sense of entitlement?
Thankyou Joseph for clarifying the intent of Leon’s comment.
Having spent some time in Europe I do know the attitude is that Americans condemn public nudity and prostitution too much while hypocritically watching porn. Whenever the media seems to pump us up about terror threats and our enemies like Osama and friends , it just seems to me much more is happening in the nation and world that our minds are being steered away from. Like what is going on in Japan? The last I saw before the news shifted to terror yet again, was thousands demonstrating in Tokyo over the nuclear situation. Then absolutely no mention of Japan. A friend just mentioned this tonight and I found that I am not the only one wondering.
Then I read today the Bishops are placing the blame on us for their responsibility of training and screening seminarians!;_ylt=ArlKQhl9GLmKkHPf7lFQYQIDW7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTJ2MjhiZHVyBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTEw
I watch Hilary telling us the Middle East riots are because the people want Democracy.Sure right after forty years of enduring an alleged dictator? They all just decided they want Democracy? Meanwhile, it is really about jobs and a future, the same as herethat brought them to the streets! I notice strange billboards on the highway.They are all white except for “Recession 101….don’t panic.” Asked the owner of a Nursery where I stopped to buy some flowers. She said,”The government is putting them up to get people to spend money because all the businesses are having trouble and closing.
Joseph, No offense to any serviceman who answers the call of duty for a real war to protect his homeland. But we have been at war here for a long time and few are answering the call..Our minds and bodies have been under attack by those who seek to control what we think, do and believe. The Romans called it “Bread and Circus”, as long as we (especially the men) are entertained and distracted, our very lives and society can easily be controlled.
Mary, there is a certain truth to John Lennon’s song “working Class Hero” in the part that goes “[They] Keep you doped with religion, and sex and TV, and you think you’re so cleaver and classless and free, but you’re still f***king peasants as far as I can see.”
Joseph, I think it’s possible you’re on to something in some of the reasons you give for the double standard some clergy have with regard to sexual sin.
‘People in power have a fundamental sense of entitlement. They can do what they want, to whom they want, with no consequences. ‘
So true!
I don’t think priests harp on laity about their sex practices. I can’t remember hearing a homily about contraception. My RCIA class was all about social justice and feeling good about yourself not self-control.
About the IMF guy: this female has learned from bitter experience the problem of male concupiscence. The estimates that I have of male infidelity range from 25% and up. Straight men do not have the access that gay men do.
That is why Christ came, we really are that bad….
The priests don’t, nor do many bishops (in our part of the world), but Rome isn’t shy. Of course, the truths Our Lord taught about chastity and marriage have to be proclaimed. But some of the energy needs to be directed at erring clergy. How much would have been done without the attention of the media and people like Jason Berry? As well, where’s the outrage of our leaders over the abuse of teenagers (most cases) who though sexually mature are emotionally very confused and vulnerable? Pope Benedict has been more concerned about same sex eroticism than anyone (highly visible) in the Church, and has devoted quite a bit of ink to the subject. That’s with regard to the laity. I believe he’s trying, and he’s certainly gone further than JP, but when are people like Weakland, Law, etc. going to be held to account.
Yes Learning, I agree, “we really are that bad”. A young petty criminal I have tried to help (with, thanks to God, some success) confided in me that the idea of being bisexual was appealing because then he could get lots of sex that was free of emotional attachments. He said this was because guys don’t demand the commitment most women do. Thankfully, he could not bring himself to pursue this line of behaviour. I wonder if the secret of “gay promoscuity” (which homosexuals have told me is very common, if not the norm) is this side of the male nature allowed to express itself without the feminine counterweight. This side is strong in adolescence and never seems to go away completely.