The Irish Times examined the failure of the Vatican to handle the news about the meeting with the Irish bishops.
It also gives an explanation, all too probable, for the failure of the Vatican to cooperate with the Irish government or to admit any responsibility for clerical abuse:
Which brings us to one of the bottom lines of Holy See thinking on the question of clerical sex abuse – a bottom line which explains all the insistence on “appropriate diplomatic channels” for contacts between the Murphy commission and the Holy Office or indeed the papal nuncio’s refusal to go before the foreign affairs committee, namely, that co-operating with the commission or going before the Oireachtas committee could in some way be interpreted as admission of legal (whatever about moral) responsibility for clerical sex abuse.
The Holy See has looked on aghast as the US Catholic Church has paid out upwards of $2 billion in damages to victims of clerical sex abuse. This is one buck that it does not want to see stop at the Apostolic Palace.
As we all know, our treasure is here, and bishops obviously think that when they stand before the judgment seta of God they will be judged on the size of the bank accounts they left behind in their dioceses. Lady Mead, Money, has been the curse of the Church for centuries, and continues to exert her poisonous influence in the corridors of the Vatican.
Damn shame!
Why don’t u take a look at the religious orders, they have a free reign in their doings in all dioceses.
If Survivors of Clerical Abuse/Priest Pedophilia unite and ever get in front of World Court to present their cases against the Vatican for the orchestration of world-wide coverups, monetary penalties for their abuse could bankrupt the Vatican Bank. Maybe this is the Great Millstone that St. John the Divine predicted would fall on the Church “built on 7 hills” (Chapters 17-19 Book of Revelations).
Jeannie, what could the World Court do? How would it be able to enforce any decisions?