I once asked a patristics scholar how Jerome, the translator of the Bible into Latin, ever got canonized. He was a nasty, cruel man. The scholar replied that in those days Saint meant “someone important in the Church.” And not only in those days.
John Paul grievously mishandled the cases of sexual abuse in the Church. Priests and at least one cardinal (Schoenborn) pleaded with him to do something, and he refused. Children committed suicide because of abuse that John Paul’s failures and willful blindness allowed to continue. And now he is Blessed John Paul and soon will be Saint John Paul.
Poland is the last Catholic country in Europe and what John Paul did to help bring down Communism eclipses for the Poles everything else he did or failed to do.
Little will happen to Cardinal Mahony.
The New York Times today explains:
Cardinal Mahony, who served from 1985 until 2011, when he reached mandatory retirement, has faced calls for his defrocking over his handling of the abuse cases for years. But the cardinal, a vocal champion of immigrant rights, remained hugely popular with Latinos here, who make up 40 percent of the four million parishioners in the archdiocese.
Catholics of European descent are leaving the Catholic Church in the U.S. About a third have left, at the same rate as the dying Episcopal Church is experiencing. But Latinos are replenishing the ranks of Catholics, and Mahony because of his politics is still a hero to them. Therefore the Vatican will do nothing to Mahony. Prosecutors in Los Angeles also take politics into account, and I doubt they will go after Mahony.
Sad but true.
This means that canonization is nothing more than a political process designed to provide secular honor under the guise of “spiritual” honor and to serve the Catholic Church’s secular interests.
Another reason why I’m thankful I no longer consider myself Catholic.
God will judge these false, apostate “shepherds” far more severely than anybody imagines.
Hmm. Misogynist men like Jerome canonized saints because of their esteemed position in the Chruch. A certain way to puff up the ecclesiastics. More palaces to live in while you’re here and then off to beoming a Saint at the right hand of God the Father.
Even John Paul II is turning over in his grave at the thought of his name being associated with sanctity. By now, he is fully aware of the Great Lie he bought into and perpetrated, even at the expense of children.
I respectively disagree with Dr. Podles. Cardinal Mahony may still face prison. The Latino population helped elect President Obama, despite the rants from the bishops.
Obstructing justice until crimes cannot be prosecuted is a crime in itself. Mahony and his ilk are not out of the woods.