Sometimes one wonders about absolute freedom of religion:

From CNA:

Father Hugo Valdemar, spokesman of the Archdiocese of Mexico City, warned this week about the “terrorist” nature of the call for a “holy war” against the Catholic Church by the leader of followers of “St. Death.”

David Romo Guillen, leader of the devotion to “St. Death,” especially popular among drug traffickers and criminals, called for a “holy war” against the Catholic Church after the Mexican Army destroyed several places of worship it suspected to be criminal hideouts, especially in the northern part of the country.

“Only terrorist or fundamentalist leaders call for holy wars, like Bin Laden or the Taliban. It’s a shame that Mr. Romo makes himself equal to the Taliban or a terrorist by calling for a holy war,” said Father Valdemar. After the destruction of the suspected hideouts, Romo blamed the military’s actions on the Catholic Church, because several bishops had warned against the devotion and called it un-Christian.

This Monday, the followers of St. Death, led by David Romo, protested outside the Cathedral of Mexico City, bearing pictures of the “White Child,” the name they have given to St. Death, represented by a skeleton dressed in a white tunic or sometimes in a wedding gown.

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