Healing of Bartimaeus, Eustache Le Sueur 1625-1650
Mount Calvary Church
Eutaw Street and Madison Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland
A Parish of the Roman Catholic Ordinariate
The Chair of Saint Peter
Trinity XXII
October 28, 2018
Ordinary: H. Willan
Organ Prelude
Toccata in F BuxWV 157, Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707)
Here is François-Henri Houbart.
Organ Postlude
Ein feste Burg, Johann Gottfried Walther (1684-1748)
Here is Harm Woltjer op het orgel van de grote of sint Janskerk te Wijk bij Duurstede.
Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672)
Die mit Tränen säen, werden mit Freuden ernten.
Sie gehen hin und weinen
und tragen edlen Samen
und kommen mit Freuden
und bringen ihre Garben
Here is Sestina Vocale.
Antonio Caldara (1670-1736)
Transeunte Domino clamabat coecus,
Jesu, Fili David, miserere mei.
Here is the United Continuo Ensemble.
Thine arm, o Lord, in days of old is by Edward Hayes Plumptre (1821–1891), who wrote it for King’s College Hospital, of which he was chaplain.
The hymn’s biblical basis is in the healing miracles of Jesus described in the first nine chapters of St. Mark, particularly Mark 6:53-56. The hymn strikes a positive note, with words such as ‘strong’, ‘calmed’, ‘almighty’, ‘deliverer’ and ‘soothe’ stressing both the power and gentleness of God. The first verse describes the sick, with their various afflictions, coming together to seek healing from Jesus. The second verse draws in both those who are able to go about their business and the bedridden, ‘in crowded street, by restless couch’ and links them to those healed in the past ‘by Gennesareth’s shore’. In the third verse, both the healers and the sick ask for God’s help and support and take part together in praising him.
Here is Norwich Cathedral Choir.
Comfort, comfort ye my people is a paraphrase of Isaiah 40:1-5, in which the prophet looks forward to the coming of Christ. More specifically, the coming of the forerunner of Christ – John the Baptist – is foretold. Though Isaiah’s voice crying in the desert is anonymous, the third stanza ties this prophecy and one from Malachi (Malachi 4:5) to a New Testament fulfillment. “For Elijah’s voice is crying In the desert far and near” brings to mind Jesus’ statement, “’But I tell you that Elijah has already come, ….’ Then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them of John the Baptist.” (Matthew 17:12, 13 ESV).
This hymn is a translation by Catherine Winkworth (1827–1897) of Tröstet, tröstet meine Lieben, by Johann Olearius (1611–1684).
Here is the Canto Deo Choir. Here is a lively version by the First Plymouth Church of Lincoln, Nebraska.
Hail to the Lord’s anointed, a free paraphrase of Psalm 72, was written by the Moravian James Montgomery (1771–1854). Psalm 72 is a well-known prophecy of the coming Messiah – foretelling the reign of the King and what the Kingdom of that Messiah will be like. But perhaps more than a prophecy, Psalm 72 is a prayer. In these verses the psalmist calls upon God to give justice and righteousness to the King, perhaps the newly crowned earthly king of Israel, but also the heavenly king. It is a cry for the deliverance of a broken people, for the realization of peace and light. The Messiah already brings justice and healing to the oppressed, as a foretaste of His final triumph over sorrow, sin, and death.
Here is St. Bartholomew’s.
The tune WOODBIRD is from a folk song, ES FLOG EIN KLEINS WALDVÖGELEIN. Here is the song and here are the words:
Es flog ein kleins Waldvögelein,
der Liebsten vor die Tür,
klopft an mit seinem Schnäbelein,
gar still mit aller Zier:
Ich bin soweit geflogen
in Kummer und Sorgen groß,
doch still und ganz verborgen
der Liebsten in ihrn Schoß.So grüß dich Gott im Herzen,
du schöns Waldvögelein!
Vertreibst mir viel der Schmerzen,
daß du bei mir kehrst ein:
Bist du so weit geflogen
in Kummer und großer Gefahr:
Dir bleib ich g’neigt und g’wogen
mit großer Liebe gar!Bin ich geflogen über Berg und Tal
doch mit sehr großer Müh:
Und such mein Lieb ganz überall,
trag Sorg, sie sei nicht hie.
Herzlieb! bist du vorhanden,
tröst mich Waldvögelein,
in dein schneeweiße Hände
schleuß du, Herzlieb, mich ein!