The Deetman commission is Holland that investigated sexual abuse has concluded that since 1945 between ten and twenty thousand children were sexually abused by Catholic priests and religious. This is in a country that currently has about five million Catholics.
The commission also suggested that homosexuality was a major factor in the abuse. FAZ reports:
Homosexuelle Subkultur ein entscheidender Faktor
Schilderungen der Kommission über sexuellen Missbrauch von Jungen speziell in Ordenseinrichtungen lassen indes darauf schließen, dass eine homosexuelle Subkultur ein entscheidender Faktor für Übergriffigkeit war und ist.
The descriptions of the commission of the sexual abuse of boys, especially in institutions run by religious orders suggests that a homosexual subculture was and is [my emphasis] a crucial factor for the abuse.
I have surveyed the press in the languages I know, and this seems to be the only article that mentions this conclusion of the report. I do not read Dutch, so I must rely upon this German report, but FAZ is generally accurate.
In the United States boys constituted the vast majority of victims abused by priests; in Germany it was more 50-50 boys and girls.
Homosexuals constitute less than 5% of the general population. One would therefore expect about 5% of the victims to be boys. But the percentage is much higher both in society in general and very much higher in the Church.
Why are boys disproportionately victims?
Some claim that pedophilia (sexual attraction to small children) has nothing to do with homosexuality or heterosexuality. Boys are more often victims because they are more accessible. Parents protect their daughters more than their sons.
But much of the abuse is not really pedophilia but rather pederasty, the type of relationship between an adult male and a pubescent boy by that the Greeks cultivated, and this is definitely a form of homosexuality, and was championed by the gay rights movement before they realized it was poison.
I think that one reason for the disproportion is the desire of young males to stay away from church as soon as they achieve some independence. Young women go to church, and provide adult targets for heterosexual priests; young men do not go to church. The young males in church are therefore boys and adolescents who are forced to go to church or attend church institutions. Young men, even in present in church, are also likely to react violently to unwanted homosexual overtures; boys are safer targets.
Men who entered the clergy in the past (less so in the present) used celibacy as a way to escape their homosexual desires, but celibacy is not a panacea for sexual problems. Their sexuality remained unconfronted and adolescent, and when they started acting out sexually they turned to adolescents.
In the United States experts who talk privately about the problem of immature, arrested-development homosexuals in the clergy will publicly claim that homosexuality has nothing to do with the abuse. It seems that the Deetman Commission was willing to raise the issue, but almost all of the hundreds of articles about that Commission’s report have ignored that conclusion. Some things, like homosexuality, are too sacred to call into question.