Susan B. Anthony and the Bad Dudes
by Leon J. Podles
The Washington Post has now said it, so the rest of mankind can repeat it
without being disregarded as yahoos: the young black men of America are
on the whole bad news (see “Young, Black Male, and Trapped” 9-24-89).
The problem according to the Post, is not that they are black, but they
are male.
A black male has a better chance of being murdered than of graduating from
college. The disappearance of black men from campus has left educated black
women in a quandary: shall they marry down socially, or marry an equal and
settle for a white?
Urban public school systems have disintegrated under the anarchic chic
behavior of black boys. Residential areas succumb to crime. Once in my braver
and younger days I lived in a city neighborhood adjacent to a poor black
area. Several times I was stopped on the street by young black women trailing
children who were desperate to rent a house in a white neighborhood to
escape the violence of young black males. But of course they had boys, and
were bringing their problem with them.
Unlike liberals, I do not believe that blacks are genetically inferior
to whites. I think that blacks are capable of living under the standards
that White Anglo-Saxon Protestants have inflicted on the rest of us. Even
if there are racial differences and black men are more aggressive than white
men, I don't think that being male and aggressive is a Bad Thing.
Men have a hard time of it in a civilized society. It is not only black
men who are trapped in America. White men end up in prison a lot more frequently
than white women. In my professional capacity I have occasion to call upon
the denizens of some of the finer institutions for the free spirits of
our land. Women's prisons are like college campuses. They may have a fence
or a single strand of barbed wire around them for old times' sake. However,
the only precaution a visitor need take inside is to keep an eye on his
briefcase in case a light-fingered Lola happens by. Men's prisons are built
more on the model of the Siegfied Line: three thirty-foot high wire fences
topped by concertina razor-ribbon wire. Inside the atmosphere is not cheery.
Most white men (and most black men too) manage to stay out of these precincts.
However, aggressive men are increasingly a superfluous commodity in a society
which was always designed for the benefit of women, and is now being reshaped
by laws and regulations written by women who see no role for men in our
Society has always been de signed for the benefit of women, to keep them
alive, to place the wealth men's labor creates at their disposal so that
there will be another other generation and society will continue. Thus
it ever was, and this is the way it has to be.
Because ours is a mammalian species,
the central role in the biological continuity of mankind is occupied by
women. Our society, with touching naiveté, gives the husband's name to the
children his wife bears. But let's face it, men are largely extraneous.
All societies give male occupations higher status to fool men into thinking
that what they do is more important than what women do in bearing and raising
children. Women stay home while men go off to hunt the wooly mammoth, get
killed in wars, sell vacuum cleaners, or get heart attacks building conglomerates.
Whose work is more necessary to the species? If the father dies, the family
may survive, but if the mother dies, the family is doomed, and the children
often perish.
Society no longer exists among inner city blacks. If they were an isolated
tribe, they would die out in a few years. The family, the basis of any
society, has disappeared. Why?
Daniel Patrick Moynihan, before the Democratic feminists removed a certain
part of his anatomy, recognized that black males had to be given the role
of providers for the families, or else their aggressiveness would turn
into a self-distructiveness that would tear America apart. But the feminists
took over, and black male violence is (surprise!) tearing America apart.
Slavery is the usual whipping-boy, but I think that the social welfare
system destroyed the black family. George Gilder is right. Welfare taught
black women that they didn't have to put up with black men. The state would
step in and support her and her children. The male is obnoxious: the welfare
check is clean and convenient.
William Raspberry has shown an awareness of the difficult position that
young black males are in. When he called for special treatment for black
boys to help them grow up into decent men, he was bombarded with letters
from black women. The gist of the letters was black men, who needs
them? and if black men destroy themselves, good riddance! One expects such
sentiments from the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan, but it is unnatural
and ominous to hear this coming from black women.
Occasional nods are made to the black church as a possible source of salvation.
In the past religious revivals have had major impact on social order: the
Methodists in industrializing England are the best example. But a glance
at the active membership of black churches will show that women predominate,
just as in the mainline liberal churches. Huckleberry Finn had no use for
feminine Sunday Schools, nor does his modern black counterpart.
What black boys need to grow up to be civilized men is the same thing white
boys need: appropriate discipline and role models (the mayor of Washington,
D.C. doesn't count). In a recent experiment, black boys were assigned to
two kindergartens. Both were single sex, and one was taught by a black male,
the other by a white male. The black boys in these classes did fine, especially
in comparison to the black boys in a coed class taught by a woman. Then
the experiment was ended suddenly. Someone complained to the Feds about
this sexist, discriminatory arrangement.
Boys lag behind girls in intellectual development and in the ability to
sit still. Coed schools hurt boys. Schools are run by women for girls. Boys
are allowed to stay if they will agree to behave like girls, and most white
boys go along to some extent. Black boys don't.
Why should they? Why can't some schools be run for boys by men? A dozen
military schools in each inner city, complete with uniforms, drill, and
supervised study, staffed by retired black and white officers (without education
degrees) would go far to making our cities livable, and giving black boys
a shot at a decent life. The Army is the one major institution in our society
in which black men have succeeded in great numbers and largely on their
own merits. Aggressiveness, if disciplined, can be a valuable asset.
However, the feminists have won the day in America, and male aggressiveness
is on a par with body odor. Affirmative action benefits black women, because
employers can get two brownie points with the local EEOC. An employer would
rather deal with a woman, who at worst will be insolent, rather than a man,
who may turn violent. The Army, the Post trumpets on the front page of
the same edition that ran the article on black males, must open up more
slots for women. As usual, the losers will be black men.
The children in the abortion clinics are not the only bloody victims of
feminism. There is a direct line between the emancipation of women from
men (and their dependence on the government as a substitute husband) and
the young men with their brains blown out on the streets of Washington,
Published by Fidelity, December, 1989.